About Us


Elite Painting, LLC provides high quality painting services for owners of residential and commercial properties in Las Vegas, NV and the surrounding areas. We bring over 25 years of experience in the industry into each job we do. We combine our expertise with state of the art tools equipment to provide unmatched services. We consider no job too big or too small. We’re member of the United States Hispanic Contractors Association. We’re A rated with the BBB.

Our services include painting, interior painting, exterior painting, house painting, home painting, drywall repair, drywall spackle, sheetrock repair, cabinet refinishing, wood staining, power washing, pressure washing, driveway painting, and pool deck painting. We’re a family owned and operated business that handles our clients’ property with great care like it’s our own. We’re communicative and cater to customer needs. We provide quality craftsmanship and guarantee customer satisfaction. We offer free estimates and competitive pricing.

Call Elite Painting, LLC in Las Vegas, NV today to tell our experts about your painting service needs, to request a free estimate, to schedule an appointment with us as well as to hear how we can help.

Our Services

At Elite Painting, LLC, our main priority is quality and customer satisfaction.

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